Cleaning service
The TTD service usually includes the set-up of a periodical cleaning program. Cleaning frequency, cleaning time and cleaning intensity is analysed by our specialists and proposed upfront. TTD has flexible working hours and can clean during factory downtimes. In case there is no or not enough compressed air capacity on site, TTD will provide mobile compressed air according to the cleaning specifications.
TTD is a Cold Jet Preferred Contractor
– Focused on the customers to provide total solutions
– Flexible and motivated to provide best in class service
– Expertise through training, support & Cold Jet worldwide communication network
– Experienced in specific Industries and dry ice blast cleaning Applications
– Possessing good technical skills – electro/ mechanical – and expertise in Cold Jet’s product lines
– Equipped to organize demonstrations, installation and operator training
Repair & Maintenance Service
The roto molded boxes from Olivo and Saeplast can be repaired. The lifetime of these products can also be substantially extended by applying regular preventive maintenance. Spare parts can be adjusted or replaced timely, while impacts and dents on plastic can be welded and closed.
The major enemies of the insulating materials (PUR) are UV radiation from the sun and water penetration. For continuous good insulation performance and minimal breakdown we propose a preventive maintenance program.